Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I've found throughout my travels that there are few places in the world these days (particularly in the bustling U.S.) that truly feel untouched by man. Growing up in California, I've heard lots of talk of the 'Wild, Wild West' - the frontier that Pioneers 'discovered' (well - cough, cough - along with the 'discovery' of the Native Americans who were already living there for thousands of years - ahem! But, I digress...)

Wyoming is one of these places, though, where today you can still get a sense of the vast wilderness - the beautiful, wild land that America once was.  It is stunning. With breathtaking landscapes around every bend, Wyoming is hands-down one of the most beautiful places I've ever been, let alone had the opportunity to ride my motorcycle through. It's the kind of natural beauty that makes you gasp inside your motorcycle helmet, and slows your mind as you take it all in. I hope to make it back one day - meantime, I like to look through my photos and reflect...

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